In memory of Private HUMPHREY HOLLOWAY
who died on September 19, 1944
Military Service Service Number/126485
Unit: Highland Light Infantry of Canada, R.C.I.C.
Humphrey Holloway was born on September 29, 1922, in Toronto, Ontario and lived with his parents, Egbert and Edith Holloway, who immigrated to Canada from Barbados. Humphrey was very much a trouble maker and used to tease his sisters, Audrey and Helen. His mother used to let him get away with almost anything at home . Humphrey attended a Toronto Public School and also spent a year at a technical school. He then worked as a shipper and stock keeper in Toronto before enlisting.
At the time he enlisted in 1943, he lived with his family at 1224 Yonge Street.
He became a model soldier. He went overseas.
Sadly, he died in battle at age 21 and is buried in The Calais Canadian War Cemetery Leubringhen, France (a village in the Department of the Pas-de-Calais) halfway between Calais and Boulogne.
In her grief, Edith destroyed anything and everything linked to Humphrey being in the army except his medals.
Private Holloway is listed in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial
Tribute to Humphrey Holloway, City of Toronto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPZRPCwAoh4
Commemorated on Page 337 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance.