Black Canadian Veterans

Black Veterans
Their Stories
Our Canadian History
Legacy Voices Canada 150 Project
Welcome to the Black Canadian Veteran's website. The intent of this site is to raise awareness of the contribution made by Black Canadians who served in the Canadian Military during conflict and in peacetime. Black Canadians have a long tradition of service to Canada. All served with distinction and in some cases made the ultimate sacrifice.
For many years the stories of Black veterans were not shared in the mainstream media or textbooks. This site will be a small step in ensuring these important stories are shared with the accuracy and the respect these veterans deserve. The site is a tool for educators, students and those interested in learning about the tradition of service with the Black Canadian community.
The site will grow over time as more stories come in. If you would like to contribute please let us know at bcv.stories@gmail.com.
A special thanks to Veterans Affairs Canada for funding this project, enabling an incredible team composed of historians and researchers:
Kathy Grant
Sean Foyn
Africanadian Searchers
Sarah Onyango
Eric Brunt
Researcher - Video Editor
Maj (ret'd) Mathias Joost
Scott Moody
Megan Douglas
Adam Winnicki
Web/Social Design
